It is all about integrity and thus the credibility of a brand and its leaders.
“He has a broad understanding of developing a brand identity and how people need to live this brand. The sessions have enormous strengthened our external exposure and internal cooperation.”
Coenraad de Vries
(CEO StartGreen Capital en Oneplanetcrowd.com)

Tutor ACE Producers. Design en faciliteren 6-daagse Leiderschap special en ‘Trust & Connect’ en ‘Embody your vision’ workshops voor Europese en Canadese filmproducenten.
“Mark has the ability to inspire people to discover more about themselves and thus make enormous progress in their development as an authentic leader.”
Jacobine van der Vloed (Director & Head of Studies)
Ontwikkeling en regie van wereldwijde merkidentiteit, verpakkingen, marketingstrategie en New Product Development. Leidinggevend aan 14 marketing professionals in U.S.A., Canada, Europa en Brazilië. Rapporterend aan de board (in NYC).
“Being the Global Marketing Director he thinks outside the box and creates and implements strategies that capture great attention for the brand. Vibrant and effective marketing.”
Roberto Lessa (voormalig CEO Aurantica group)
Branding en Communications, diverse (internationale) projecten en evenementen, w.o. ontwikkeling en faciliteren van creatieve sessies voor Business planning, innovatie en Employer Branding.
"Met zijn enthousiasme en originaliteit kan Mark als geen ander creatie en
teamdynamiek in beweging krijgen.”
Maartje Kardol (Marketing Director Nederland en voormalig Global Head of Communication)
Branding Deloitte Innovation merklabel en ontwikkeling diverse Fast-Track proposities in Nederland, België, Dubai en Noorwegen. Design en uitvoering New Product Development workshops voor Philips (Media) in Nederland en Hongkong.
“Mark knows how to fluently combine strategic with practical creative ideas. He moves effortlessly between corporates and start-ups, large and small and Eastern and Western culture.”
Wassili Bertoen (Managing Partner Deloitte Center of the Edge)
Merkontwikkeling en communicatiestrategie (in India en Brazilië) voor een internationale, spirituele community en NGO.
"He is a sensitive person who connects marketing with awareness-enriching elements without losing sight of the corporate part. He dares to think outside the box by integrating human aspects in finding a living vision and values.”
Nitya Koning (voormalig General Manager)
Merkidentiteit, merknaam -en websiteontwikkeling.
“Mark is a bright guy, combining strategic and creative thinking in an original way. One of his specialties is leading creative sessions in order to come up with sparkling ideas, strategies, projects, businesses.”
Daan Sistermans (voormalig CEO PitPoint en Red Bull Nederland)